Interior Design
Generate are passionate design innovators and our design philosophy is one which prioritises the human experience. Our work explores concepts of community, storytelling, wellbeing and our connection to the natural environment. Our rigorous, creative and highly consultative approach ensures our design responds intelligently and creatively to our client's requirements and thoughtfully weaves people, place and technology to create rich, diverse and inspiring human-centric environments.

Strategic Brief
The briefing stage consists of interviews and workshops with representatives from the leadership team. These visioning sessions aim to identify key project drivers which will guide the design of the future environment. Functional requirements including preferred business group adjacencies, meeting room needs and projected growth are outlined, as are aspirational requirements including the integration of culture, branding and staff engagement initiatives into the work environment.

Space Planning
Based on the information contained within the strategic brief a series of space plans are developed which test a variety of spatial configurations to determine the ideal layout. Worksetting types which support a range of workstyles are explored as are business group adjacencies, proximity to natural light and views, distribution of collaboration, focus, meeting and social zones and the impact of desk-sharing on workplace efficiency, productivity, communication and workflow.

Concept Design
Once a layout has been approved we develop the concept design by selecting appropriate colours, finishes and furniture as well as develop key design features including joinery, feature ceilings and other architectural elements. We approach each project creatively and leverage our extensive experience designing bespoke, cutting-edge, contemporary environments to create spaces which prioritise the human experience and inspire people to perform at our best.

In collaboration with our network of cost planners we progressively budget throughout the design stage to ensure our proposed design is aligned with budget and program expectations. Once approved we prepare detailed design documentation for building owner approval, council approval, tendering and construction - ensuring our design and documentation is fully compliant and coordinated with the work of building services engineer's and other specialist consultants.