Workplace Strategy

An increasingly disruptive business environment is demanding organisations become more agile, adaptable and innovative, while technological advances and demographic shifts are having a profound impact on the way we work and do business. Successful organisations understand the role of the workplace in driving innovation, engagement and peak performance, and how critical it is to align core business objectives with people, place and technology. To successfully understand an organisation and the internal and external influences which impact their business, a detailed workplace strategy process is recommended.

Online Survey

The first stage of a workplace strategy process consists of an online survey which allows staff to have their say on both their current and future workplace. The survey is anonymous and encourages staff to respond openly and honestly. Critical issues of concern are identified as is the extent to which staff are open or resistant to change - allowing everyone within an organisation to become valued partners in the workplace transformation process.

Utilisation Survey

The second stage consists of a space utilisation survey which captures physical utilisation rates as well as the activities performed by staff within each worksetting type (e.g. meeting room, office or open workspace). Average, peak and low utilisation rates are captured in addition to a detailed analysis of staff work patterns. These insights assist in the development of appropriate workplace planning responses based on actual, rather than perceived, needs.

Visioning Sessions

The third stage consists of interviews and workshops with representatives from the leadership team. These sessions aim to identify key project drivers which will guide the development of the future workplace design. Functional requirements including preferred business group adjacencies and projected growth are outlined, as are aspirational requirements including consideration for community, branding and culture within the work environment.

Strategic Report

At the conclusion of the workplace strategy process a strategic report is produced which summarises the findings of the workplace strategy activities. These findings enable the project team to identify key project drivers which will form the strategic framework for the development of the future workplace design. Critically, the data-based nature of this process allows the project team to move to the next stage of the workplace transformation process with confidence.

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